Day 8; Bourges and Pouilly Fume

 Day 8; 

Early in the morning Es went to the boulangerie and the supermarket. We had an excellent breakfast and the left overs were put in the bags for lunch.

Before 09.00 we were om the road and had to climb ourselves out of the Morvan mountains.

Es had some (serieus) perineal tenderness  when sitting on the saddle, a reminder of the days fighting the wind. For her the 131 km to Bourges were a challenge.

Clamecy after 20 km looked so tempting that we had a little coffee stop. 

After the coffee we rode through a beautiful valley on perfect roads to the water divide between Loire and Yonne.

Donzy had a farmer market where we bought organic cheese and had lunch.

After 75 km we crossed the Loire at Pouilly, from the famous white wine Pouilly Fume. No fancy Chateau or anything romantic, it was a boring village with many degustations ( wine tasting) that we passed by.

In France there are two types of weather, north and south of the Loire. That was true for sure, as soon as we crossed the Loire it started to rain and the f***ing wind was back (in front of course).

In the end you always get there and for reasons unknown the last few miles are easy again.

The reason for our visit to Bourges; the cathedral. It is a three star cathedral, with its five portals and five aisles inside and its five level elevation. Absolutely worth the 131 km.

Ben managed to get another stamp in his credentiale.

The town is nice but nothing more than that. No where as nice as Troyes.

The hotel is 1.5km out of the centre, a good walk and back for a good pizza.

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