France revisited
France revisited
Last year there were a few weeks when it was possible to travel around Europe. We were very lucky to have these weeks off . We went to France to visit a few cathedrals that had been on our bucket list for some time. It was a wonderful experiece; cycling 1600km and visiting Laon, Paris, Chartres, Rouen and on the way back seafood in Boulogne sur Mer.
It was not sure what the corona would permit this year, but we noticed a few more interesting places a bit further in France. If we could just combine a few more interesting places?
In the meantime our tandem options had changed. Two years ago we crashed our 25 year old Vittorio tandem and finding the right parts took the best part of the summer. We realised that our old trusty lady was aging and that we needed a second tandem because weekends that we were off together are precious and tandems due to the heavy load are more prone to failure and finding parts is usually time consuming.
After long deliberation we ordered a state of the art new carbon tandem which is superb. But looking at this shiny machine we wondered: do we want to leave it in one or two of the shabby places you usually run into on a longer holiday. And what if these carbon rims failed on route? Would we be able to repair it?
Our old tandem was still in very good condition, it only needed two new rims. The old rims had hair line cracks along the spokes and new rims were already in the house but there had been no time to build new wheels. Finally it was decided the old tandem was the one for this trip and new wheels were build in the hours after work.
Preparing the tandem there was another decision to be made; tires. For the last 25 years our tire choice had been a safe one, usually Continental 32mm puncture resistent. After crashing the tandem we had to use some different rims with smaller (28mm) and more supple but far less puncture resistent tires. To our surprise the tandem was overnight 2km on average faster and on gritty roads the comfort went up quite a bit. But would this do the trick with luggage, and who cares on a holiday run of 1800km about average speed? We went for save again and went back to the 32mm Gatorskin tires.